


Holiday! Singapore!

Back to May...
Me and my gangsta friends, hahaha, went to Singapore for holiday. After a serious final test and hard times to gain some money, maybe more, we made it and traveling for a week. Really fun time. I really wanna go back to that time. Fly, walk, and live together. And also shopping!! Gosh, you can find anything in Singapore. Also meet any kind of people..

Pertama, si Pat cabut ke Jakarta lebih awal, skalian dia pulkam. Beberapa hari setelah itu Tim nyusul ke Jakarta karena ada tes masuk Universitas. Nah, saya, Hendra dan Fefo, nyusul paling belakangan. Kita nyusul 2 hari sebelum terbang ke singapur. First time naik pesawat ke luar negeri jadi agak kampungan, kalo buat gue... Lol. Kenapa? Pesawatnya suka banget goyang. Bikin parno. Tapi, gara-gara duduk sebelahan ama Pat, parno nya ilang gara-gara ketawa ketiwi. Oh ya ketinggalan, Ci Veli, cici nya Pat juga ikutan. Bisa dibilang beliau itu tour guide kita. Karena dia sering ke singapur. Sampai di singapur, jiwa-jiwa narsis gak bisa ilang. Apalagi udah jadi turis, foto sana-sini deh.

Kayak artis~

Abis dari bandara langsung cabut ke apartemen di Orchard. Kalo mo liat sekilas singapur beda tipis sama jakarta. Kiri-kanan gedung-gedung tinggi. Sampai di apartemen gue narik nafas dalam-dalam. Capek. Semuanya langsung mencari kamar dan tempat tidur masing-masing. Setelah beres-beres dikit, kita jalan-jalan di sekitar apartemen. Aduh.. baru di sekitar apartemen aja udah bikin mata melek. Lol. Tapi, sebelum jalan-jalan lebih jauh, kita isi perut dulu di semacam food court. Langsung setelah makan kita jalan-jalan. Baru setengah hari di singapur, ada aja barang yang udah di beli. Si Tim sama Pat dapat Docmart. Gue yang juga udah lama ngefans ama merk boots itu malah gak dapat. Well, emang belum rejeki. Pas midnight, Ci Veli, Pat, Hendra, and Tim keluar cari angin. Gue sama FeFo tinggal. Gue malas ikut gara-gara puyeng. 

To be continued...~

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Well, Hi...

It's been a while since I posted something last time. I really really want to write and share my stories, but recently I've been so busy because of college stuff. 2012 is one of my great year. Really great! I got so many bless this year. And also so many problem. But, firstly I'm still alive!! God still love me. Lol...
I don't know why, but so many people say straightly to me 'why you're not updating your blog?' 'I've been waiting for your new blog post!' 'I visited your blog and there's nothing.' What is that means?? Hahaha... Actually there are my friends, which is... miss my blog?

I don't know.

Maybe today, last day of 2012, I will share some of my stories. Stories from what I experienced in 2012. And I hope I will not forget it.

Please wait :P
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This is my second blog! Containing all about my life.
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1st blog...
.Music In My Soul.

KPOP blog...



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Absolutely GOD's creature. For me there are 2 studios, dance studio and architecture studio | F2AM.PHent.Dn'B Crew | VIP