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Hello! Ini aku, Leonie tentu saja. Aku membuat blog baruku. Tujuannya sederhana, hanya ingin mempublikasikan[ya ampun lebay amat!] sisi lain dari ku. Hahahaha.... :D
Blog-ku yang .Music In My Soul. masih ada, jadi jangan khawatir. Hanya saja blog itu lebih ke pandanganku soal musik[Korea terutama] dan idola-idolaku.

Sedangkan blog .Side Of Me. ini kubuat untuk menunjukkan pandanganku tentang hidupku sendiri. Mungkin juga orang lain. Blog ini mungkin akan lebih diisi dengan foto-foto, karena aku senang dengan yang namanya photografi. Mungkin juga ada cerita-cerita fiksi, video dan lain-lain.


  1. gak ada Bashing(Menghina, vulgarity, DLL)
  2. Take out with full credit
  3. Di blog ini pakai 2 bahasa English, Indonesia

Aturannya cuma sederhana. Jadi harap dimaklumin aja. Kenapa pake 2 bahasa? Alasan pertama aku ini orang Indo, jadi egois rasanya kalo cuma pake English. Kedua, kalo cuma pake Indo aja gak seru. Mungkin orang-orang asing yang pengen liat jadi hilang kemauan gara-gara bahasanya cuma Indo.

Selamat menikmati blog ini!


Hello! This is me, Leonie! I've made my second blog. Just simple reason i want to publish another side of me! Hahahahaha... LOL! XD My first blog titled .Music In My Soul. is till exist, so don't worry. But, that blog contain all my point of view about Music[esp. Korean music a.k.a. KPOP] and my idol's.

Whereas, this blog is contain all my point of view about my life. Or maybe others. This blog might be more filled with pictures, because i love photography. There may also be fictional stories, videos and others.


  1. NO Bashing
  2. Take out with full credit
  3. I used English and Indonesia

So, Hope you enjoy my blog!
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eonleonie. Powered by Blogger.
daesung,kiss,big,eyes,happy,new,year,g dragon,heartbreaker,heart,apple,gara,go,bang,gun,pow,chick,lollipop,2,taeyang,top Welcome! to the .Side Of me.
This is my second blog! Containing all about my life.
Thank's for coming here, even you just a second in here. hahaha^^ Feel free to take something, but please take out with full credit! And Feel free to follow my blog too!

1st blog...
.Music In My Soul.

KPOP blog...



My photo
Absolutely GOD's creature. For me there are 2 studios, dance studio and architecture studio | F2AM.PHent.Dn'B Crew | VIP