

Sunday, December 25, 2011

When we have to woke up early

Christmas Post! 
Actually, I found something to post. It's about me and friends! Maybe you all wanted to ask me like "why you never tell us about your family?" Hahahaha no reasons. I just can't find something ... excitable thing about my family. Just wait, I will make it, one day! 

Lanjutnya bahasa indonesia saja, berhubung author orang Indonesia. Sejujurnya author payah English, jadi maklum kalo ada yang salah grammar nya. hehehe, you know lah~

hmm... Akhir-akhir ini author bareng teman-teman suka (atau bisa disebut rajin) olahraga. Kita suka jogging tiap pagi. Well, It's Holiday! Selain buat ngisi waktu luang, sekalian jaga kesehatan. Tapi terkadang jogging bisa melenceng jadi nongkrong di McD. LOL. Sebenarnya sih, abis jogging kalo lapar kita nongkrong di McD.

Terkadang juga dari jogging bisa melenceng ke Gowes alias bersepeda. Tapi jujur author gak bisa yang namanya bersepeda. Jujur lho!


Like a Ninja!

It's just the beginning, I mean the first day. Hari pertama jogging itu jam 5 baru selesai hujan. Jadi pas jogging masih mendung. Jalan juga becek, banyak genangan air. Well, gak mengurungkan niat buat jogging. Hari kedua CERAH! Banget malah. After jogging we took some photos!!

Taken by Timothy

Hendra, going home~

Okay, That's All!


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